The Chapel of Bamboo Grove

Welcome to the Chapel of the Bamboo Grove. This room seeks to reproduce the famous site where the Buddha gave many of his most profound lectures.

This image of the Buddha shows him at approximately 20 years of age when he came out of the deep mountains and gave his first talks on the Pristine Dharma.

His left hand is held in an erect and partially flexed position in front of the region of the heart. The representation is that a person should acquire, cherish, and develop the teachings within his heart and mind and not be changed from one’s determination to continue its practice. The right hand is held palm up and outwardly in a gesture of welcome and guidance to all mankind to seek the true liberation. It also represents his heart’s desire for all humanity to work their way out of this life of turmoil.

The gold leafing around his head signifies the golden aura he had at that time.

The two gold panels symbolize the ever-lasting qualities of his teachings.

This image was done by Mrs. Esther Bruton Gilman and is made out of mosaic, press-wood, and abalone shells.

Large circular lights adorn the ceiling. In Buddhism, the circle symbolizes that each incident of one’s life should be a benefit to all concerned—no hidden angles or sharp corners of selfish benefit.

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